Saturday, May 26, 2007

the day i wet myself!

please take the literal meaning ..i am a 20 year old boy and i love getting wet in the rain!!!!!!..anyways back to my post

1 45 pm cadd class gets over ... go out of the complex to be right under a dark foreboding sky...say to myself "dude you have to get across 11 kilometres of tarmac to beat lord varuna with 6 odd bhp of rawwww power :D" and "anyways u gonna get wet so might as well get home in the process"...gearing up ..i chucked my books and cell phone into my scooter and revved it up..a wave of pure adrenalin surged right into me...taking a u turn i was on the way home...

1 km down the route..i felt a stinging sensation on my forehead....lord varuna was delaying me from getting to my destination...7 odd more kilometers to go .... turning near the avinashilingam signal varuna getting desperate , started tilting the buckets it felt like a thousand needles all over you...the main problem was that i was not wearing a head stood exposed like a bulls eye add to the agony of the "1000 needles" :D .my glasses began to get was the first ever time i wished i had wipers attached to them...basically could'nt see a thing..

anyways i carried on ...the next factor affecting me was that the treads of my rear tyre had worn i was basically driving on a thin layer of water thus not giving me the required stablilty.the roads were almost empty as most of the motorists were under the trees..but this had a negative side to it cos the cars given the free road were goin around full throttle, splashing me with dirty water in the process.I could not go faster cos the faster u went the more severe the sting of the rain became.Nearing avila convent the signal was on red but no one was on the road so "@#@$%^ the signal"!!

4 kms more to go...i entered velandipalayam village ..ahh the bloody village buggers ...dont even take a look to the right or to the left just blindly cross the roads...i had to encounter this twice ..however hard i sounded the horn these ppl just kept to what they were doing..i guess most people would have been staring at me cos i was driving with my teeth clenched not being able to bear the pain and downing rain water in the process.. Hic!..overtaking was another big pain because i was getting only 5 outta the 6 bhp of power and that too not when needed...

seeing my house nearing and filled with thoughts of warm food etc i did not notice the triple speed breakers in my path...CRASHH..BUMP..BUMPS..CRASHH ..BUMP...i was swinging like a pendulum vertically ..somehow i regianed my balance i carried this time i was totally i mean totally drenched...varuna did not spare any of my clothing :( i cared :P.....whew...i soon reached home,opened the gates got in and proceeded towards the garage..sadly my rear tyres showed their true colours at this point..i went at about 20's over this marshy bit of sand..Wham...the bike skidded and was on its side ..thankfully i was still standing ..anways got the bike into the garage ..and here i am ..balls to you varuna..i made it home in 23 mins flat!!

anyways disregarding the minor fall at the end was the most fun experiences of my life being mega-serious here..try it out next time when u have a chance u'll know exactly what i mean by a sting of a thousand needles :D....if i ever go on a date this is how it will i loved every moment of it!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

sinnu on a scooty!

for the past 2 weeks i was breaking my head on the wall wondering what my next blog could be about..nothing seems to have cracked open my head so i thought why not post some random thoughts that traverse my mind.... here are some of them while grooving to some "cool 9 by satch"
the great mr sinnu our physics "professor cum Hod" during my first year in cit guy has a peanut which he calls a brain ...i doubt whether he knows how to spell P-H-Y-S-I-C-S damn funny chap..myself srinath vivek siriram and some b'section boys owe our fabulous vocabulary skills to this "genius". people never used to listen to his lectures leave alone acknowledge his presence in class with reference to poor internals and not listening to lectures

i hereby cite an example of how he would let us know about that
1 34 pm
the class sounds like a fish market sinnu walks in

class still sounds like a fish market

sinnu in his croaky frog voice "if my friend keep speaking like this my friend will get low internals and then my friend fail in physics exam"
girls in the front row ..mouths wide open...any guess to what they were doing

boys in the last row were cackling away to glory like witches

sinnu happy that his point had got through carried on towards the board , places his paraphernalia on the table proceeds to open his glass case and gets his reading glass out. then he opens out the xerox copies of the notes which he has been using since eternity. stares at it for half an hour and procceds to squiggle something on the board..

five mins later he's till squigglin on the board after all that he turns around and said "make a few lines"

in mine as well as my neighbours book ..the only lines that were being drawn where that of a person on a mattu vandi (bullock cart) ....

he supposedly had drawn a I.C' on the board and proceeded to enlighten us that I.C's ie (intergrated circuits) are used only in IC' engines!! and during his class tests most bugger woulrd be sitting and writing "ahem-sex" stories involving sinnu with some very graphic descriptions!!

he's the epitome of incoherence like sri had told once during tutor ward meeting he asked a guy why he did not wear a helmet and proceeded to say that "thambi helmet potu varle inna police petrol pudungirvango" (ie if u dont wear helmet police will take away petrol)

another funny incident during lab was during the spectroscope experiment he being the hod and the "all know-er came" to show "my friend" who was wondering what to do in his experiment "the microscope must be focussed like this" and proceded to focus this experiment one was supposed to focus and get several patterns of lines... but shockingly after sinnu focussed the microscope all that "my friend " could see was the neighbouring guys moustcahe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sinnu had this other thing of making dumb jokes for eg the day after the tsunami incident we had physics after some of the electrical experiments we had to show graphical results. and being the "only one who reads papers" guy sinnu started referring to all the graph results as tsunami waves

...and was highly suprised when no one laughed..hey no...

"kampasss paaxx" and "gundu meesai mani" the 2 lab hands were luaghing like hyena's.

i wonder whether they were loving at his joke or whether how such a guy became a h.o.d!!

man i really miss his classes neways that he's retiring this may

"good riddance" my friend!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Auto Focus rocks!

well recently photography has become one of my hobbies courtesy a k790i gifted by my sister :)...well i have always been in awe of this feature called Auto manages to focus on one object and completely blur out the rest..if you think it looks crappy that way ..ball to you because thats the beauty of Auto focus!!..well scroll down to the bottom and check the pictures out!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

what if???

a general thought that comes into one's mind when one encounter's a failure in life.People never think about these avenues when they meet with success.So in my inaugural blog i will try and depict to you what happened and what "could" or rather "should" have happened.

2 months before my first year would have ended

wiring teacher :"faff faff".."everybody come to table" "faff faff"
(if u are wondering what "faff faff" means, this dolt had his upper row of teeth way beyond his lower row..hope u get it)
me:wokay sir (sweating over a blood tubelight that refused to glow)
wiring teacher :"all of you will have.. submit your wiring project by X date"
me :electrocuted look
everyone else :"saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr"a
wiring teacher :(deaf bastard look) "you can go to oppanakara street and buy project ,weld and show fafff me "
Bell rings
me : "balls to you sir" (in my mind [:D])

scene 1 ends.

scene 2 begins.

My batchmate in this lab was Zothiamsanga a guy from mizoram.He was clueless about what was happening around him.And i was bloody pissed off because i screwed up in the physics lab that day.
so feeling too lazy and lacking inspiration , myself and zothiam went to some street near oppanakara street and got ourselves Y after paying 30"What a gr8 project kit we have got ourselves"

I said to zothiam :"dude ,the project is good, but i have no idea how on earth this works ".i was born allergic to transisitors and diodes.

zothiam (calm look) :-"don't worry man ,i have a senior who is the eee department , will ask him and get how it works and write the report too".

me :"wow.thats great dude.we'll show it to sir tomorrow ok"

scene 2 ends.

scene 3.

Early morning .

me: " dude how is it going??"

zothiam : " great da. i took my seniors help .Have drawn the ciruit's and a 2 page project report"

me : "cool man.Lets get this thing finished up soon"

fafff fafff is on his chair ,eating tiger biscuit which disappear into his drawer as soon as we appear.

me: " sir we have got our project sir.shall i demonstrate it to you??"

wiring teacher : (mouth half full of tiger piskits) :"so ffast paa?...ok show it to me"

me unfolds Y and shows it to him.all of a sudden i notice a bewildered look on faff's face which resembles" have these guys come to decorate my room or what??"

wiring teacher : "which light glows paa?"

me : "sir all lights sir"

wirin teacher :"huh"..explain man"

me :"siir based on circuit first green light glows sir then blue then red sir then everything together sir"

wiring teacher: " faff fafff..explain circuit man @ zothiam"

zothiam :" sir a ..aa.. aa"

me : "sir he does not know tamil sir."

wiring teacher :"you expain"

me :"sir thats wat sir current flows through green light , green light glows sir and similarly for the other colours"

wiring teacher: (bewildered look) :in a stroke of un imaginative brilliance "faff faaff what happens when all lights glows paa"??

me: "sir current flows through all the circuits sir"

wiring teacher :"enna pa how much did u spend for this project"

me (grining ear to ear):"sir 30 rs"

wiring teacher : goes ballistic " faff faff.what is this i asked you to do project for 100 rs .why cant you spend 70 rs more"

me :"sir sir sir"

wiring teacher :"no faff no faff..take this CHRISTMAS LIGHT. go and buy another project and re do it"

me and zothiam dejected look "ok sir" ( aah 30 rs + 8 bucks for bus + wasted 8 hrs of zothiam and his seniors + laziness in innovation = failure)

well i hope u noticed that our project failed to get accepted because we spent only 30 rs on it and not because of not knowing how it worked.
a person who eats tiger biscuit,in front of the fan all the time , has 2 bloody arrears in his repertoire and is a professor teaching us.MAN we are de-engineering ourselves with these dolts

now for what i could or should have done is prepared a electrocution project + lie detector and this is what would have happened

me : " sir project is ready sir"
wiriing teacher :" fafff show me paa"
me: "ok sir" ( devils horns) .sir to demonstrate my project u have to help sir "
wiring teacher :" ok pa"
me :" sir my project is a lie detector .i'll ask u a question sir touch this metal plate and answer sir"
me : " sir question ..are u an engineer??"
wiriing teacher "faff..what a question paa..yes i am "
wiring teacher : "fafff faff fafff wat pa faaaffff fafffff aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
after one final "faff" he is unconcious for hours at end and recovers to find himself in a creche'

nurse : "chamathu thambi ..indha paal kudi apro indha jilk jilk plate odu vilaydu" (assuming that i am getting international traffic to my blog , the sentence means " good drink your milk and play with this shiny plate"

wiring baby :"faff"

Alls well that ends well!! (psst:- heartfelt thanks to my friend srinath for providing the backbone of the story)